Ambrose Moon is a clay studio based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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Deanne Alyce, the artist behind Ambrose Moon Clay studio in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has honed her artistic skills in numerous media over the last 25 years.

Deanne graduated from the University of Michigan School of Art and Design, with a mojor in figurative drawing and sculpture. While her work occasionally strays from those beginnings into pottery and other art forms, she continues to explore the figure in her current works.

Deanne’s figurative sculptures are exaggerated in form, using distortions of proportion to convey complex emotion. Her work is intended to create a space for the viewer to be lost in their own thoughts; to form a connection, however brief, to the share experience of being human.

Deanne also plays the flute in the Ann Arbor Concert Band, the banjo at home, and forward for the O’Leary Hawks women’s hockey team.

You can find more of the artist on